For the jubilee the Swift Troop patrols competed to see who could build the highest flag-pole in the allowed time, and who could paint the best union flag.
All four patrols made a good attempt, with some higher than others.

For the jubilee the Swift Troop patrols competed to see who could build the highest flag-pole in the allowed time, and who could paint the best union flag.
All four patrols made a good attempt, with some higher than others.
On Tuesday Chapman Troop built shelters with our new pioneering poles to keep themselves out of the weather as they made pancakes.
The scouts designed and built their own shelters and most seemed to work well enough to cook.
Our ‘pancakes’ may need more practice before next year..
On Tuesday Chapman prepared some of our new pioneering poles before using them to build some basic chariots and racing them.
The first step was stripping the bark off the new poles.
They then got to building their chariots and racing them. Unfortunately everything happened so fast we were distracted from photography and missed that bit!
Not to be out-done, Swift tried their hand on Friday. This time we managed to get some shots of the race too!
The scouts held a crazy camping night at the end of September.
After considering options from hanging a tent from a tree, camping on a rope bridge as well as several involving water, the troop decided to build a ‘camping penthouse’ using their pioneering skills.
The platform was surprisingly stable, but a little bit uncomfortable for daily use.
The sleepover was a first-time sleeping under the stars for five of the scouts, and fortunately the weather was as good as we could have hoped for.
After the somewhat disappointing end to Great Balls of Fire 2: The balls bite back, where we failed to ignite our fireballs. We had another go on Friday, this time with more success!