Last week 42 scouts and adults from Chapman, Swift and Seal Scout Troops made their way across the country side to converge back on the Scout Hut Mill Lane.
The navigational challenges varied between groups with some routes being easier than others, but all of them made it back to the hut in time for cake and custard!
Members of the group attended the Sevenoaks Town Remembrance Day Service held in front of the war memorial at the Vine on Sunday.
We are very proud of all of the young people that came and remembered today, especially our newest section Squirrel Scouts aged 4 and 5 years old. Over 75 of our members paraded along the road from The Drive.
We were joined by members of the 1st and the 10th scout groups, plus members of Explorers.
Ten of our older scouts undertook their Expedition Challenge at the weekend.
To complete their challenge they have to plan an expedition, including destination, means of travel, routes / itinerary, food planning and then carry it out. They only thing they don’t have to do is carry all their camping equipment with them.
Both groups successfully planned their journeys and navigated their way from Sevenoaks to Malling District’s campsite at Comp Wood.
This activity was made possible in part by a grant from Kent County Council, which paid for leader training and equipment, and by the adults that supported the activity.