Tag Archives: volunteer

Duke of Edinburgh Volunteers welcome

If you are looking for a DofE volunteering opportunity that is more interesting than working in a charity shop, come and talk to us!

You will have chance to help out with

  • Games
  • Hikes
  • Crafting
  • Camping

with young people from the age of 6 and up. No experience required but a willingness to get involved.

We have meetings on Wednesday and Friday evenings.

Get in touch via the volunteer page

What can you do?

If there is anything you think you could do to help out the group, whether it is any of the things in the image above or something else, please talk to any of the leadership team or use the Volunteer link on the front page of the website.

At the moment (Dec 2015) we have the following vacancies – there is also a list on the group section of the noticeboard.

  • Assistant Grass Cutter: Assist with mowing the grass during the growing season (Apr-Sept).
  • Bookings Secretary: Deal with correspondence for hall and campsite bookings.
  • Key Holder: Let campers and hall hirers into the site and check them out on departure.
  • Fundraiser: Apply for grants on behalf of the group.
  • Parent Representative x5: We are looking for one parent rep for each of our five sections.
  • Mechanic: We are looking for someone to look after our vehicles (minibus, trailer, garden equipment).
  • Volunteer Coordinator: We are looking for someone to recruit volunteers (e.g. updating this list).
  • Hill-walker: We are looking for someone to gain their Hill and Moorland Leader certificate.  If you have walked on higher ground regularly and might be interested check out the MTUK website and speak to Michael.

Thank you!

Sunday’s Volunteer Day a success!

We were blessed with perfect weather for the last Volunteer Day of the Summer term.

Can I say on behalf of everyone that uses the scout hut a huge thank you to everyone that gave up some of their Sunday to help.


Between us we have

  • Mowed
    • The main field
    • The camp site
    • The campfire circle
    • Behind the trailers
  • Strimmed
    • The alleyway between us and the flats
    • Around the Adventure Trail
    • The edges of the main field
    • The campfire circle
    • The camping areas
  • Patio and drive
    • Weeded patio and the steps
    • Tidied the edges of the driveway
    • Swept the patio
    • Weeded and painted the planters on the patio
  • Cleared
    • Cleared some of the undergrowth behind the Adventure Trail
    • Felled dead trees near the air rifle range
    • Cut back the trees and bushes overhanging the paths in the wood
    • Cut back the trees and bushes around the camping areas
  • Cleaned
    • Cleaned the ovens and the cooker
    • Cleaned the wire oven shelves
    • Tidied the cupboards in the kitchen
    • Swept and washed the minibus floor
  • Painted
    • The rear fire escape doors
  • Trailer
    • Jet washed the outside
    • Rubbed down
    • Primed all bare metal
    • Replaced the lighting connector
    • Fixed the rear indicators
  • Tidied
    • Found the floor in the store room
    • Thrown some things out (this is harder than it sounds)
    • Tidied up the store room (a bit)
    • Put some of the equipment back in the loft


Just in case anyone has any free time – the jobs that still didn’t get done include:

  • Prepare and paint the garage windows
  • Rub down and paint the main hall door
  • Build a roof to cover the army oven
  • Install the army oven near the camping area
  • Paint the garage door
  • Clear the gutters
  • Install the new radio in the minibus

Email the group if you would like a shot at any of these – we will come and help too!